You think you just fell out of a coconut tree

into the context of this European vacation


I’ve had a very offline friend visiting me this week, and WOW, it has revealed the brain rot that comes with being an online person. So, in the spirit of leaving nothing unexplained, here is some foundational text for today’s newsletter.

Club stuff:

  • Winny.eth gets into her feeling on our latest podcast episode. Listen here.

  • Brussels next week (words I never thought I’d say about myself). Our events with the best co-hosts around can be found here. Optimism, dYdX, Wormhole and Kraken — truly our bffs, wlysm.


Writer: Natasha (insta)
Editor: Miranda

Who amongst us is brave enough to ask the question: What do Kamala Harris and European vacations have in common? This very newsletter.

Obviously, politics are on the internet’s mind, and Kamala Harris has provided the Twitter troves with no shortage of Veep-level sound bites to feast on.

Here’s what’s going on:

The above clip in particular has given us a new meme format that I personally can not get enough of.

And as with every July and August, it seems that the context in which people are existing is on vacation in Europe. And as someone who has not STFU about being in Paris this month, I now need to STFU on this one.

However, I’m a yapper, so I’ll continue.

The European summer Insta stories and photo dumps are an annual rite of passage that I cherish.

It’s an exercise in social signaling around taste, money, aesthetics, and privilege that is so deeply tone-deaf and cringe-worthy on such a profound level that it should be studied as to why I (and many of you) participate both as posters and consumers?

Truly, the only thing more humiliating than existing within the context is then posting said context on Instagram.

Catch our latest podcast episode below.