show me your muted words

and I'll show you mine


The timeline and New York City are the same temp. You can find my lukewarm takes in this newsletter.

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Writer: Natasha (insta)
Editor: Deana

As I was writing the newsletter today I kept reminding myself…

… and then I remembered I can say whatever I want here.

The onslaught of political memes is becoming unbearable and there seems to be no end in sight. T*ump’s failed assassination attempt was a reminder to us all that Twitter users are the most unserious and comedically rich group of people on the planet.

A holy trinity of bad is happening — the degradation of the Twitter algorithm, the meme lord master class that is T*ump, and reliance on the timeline to give us the news — which has made for a shitstorm of a single-threaded conversations in our media diet.

With every passing day until November the timeline will be taken over by the latest political moment in America, making it essentially impossible to consume content about anything else, unlessssssss you hit mute.

And based on the 2 hundred 55 thousand people that liked Elon’s reminder about this, people are desperate for a reprieve from political discourse.

Users are attempting to take matters the algos into their own hands through muted words and blocked accounts. This futile attempt to take control is giving…

But baby girl go find your peace and mute to your hearts content.

Catch our latest podcast episode below.