The scene's too small

on this United Airlines flight


Solo travel has me all like:

Some Club stuff:

  • If you want to hear me cry, check out this week’s Feelings Check-In™️. Listen here. 

  • We’ll be the best thing you do in Brussels. Event lineup here.


Writer: Natasha (insta)
Editor: Deana

The sentiment “the scene’s too small” has been rolling around Boys Club HQ for the past week and it’s a theme that can be applied to the internet at large ATM.

Internet sleuthing is by no means a fresh trend. Who amongst us hasn’t done our fair share of investigative work online? But a viral TikTok (which has now been deleted) has me pleading.

please just let people live. 

Here’s what happened.

She, along with her keyboard army, then found the man and doxxed him, his wife, and his family.

First off, everything I’ve learned about this man I’ve learned again my will.

More importantly, stay out of it.

Look, I really love when the internet comes together around a shared mission and investigation. If you have 5 hours, just google “Karen Read Trial Reddit”

But moral of the story here, touch grass. If you are absolutely unable to, make sure to solve actual crimes. And also let people make mistakes and catch their cheating partners the old fashion way!!!!!!

If you want to hear about Deana’s new mullet, catch our latest podcast episode below.